Tag Archives: red velvet

One of my co-workers is 7 months pregnant and planning to go on maternity leave in the next few weeks. Another co-worker and I planned to throw her a baby shower/acknowledgement. You know when you plan stuff at work there are some people who never want to participate? Yeah most of my co-workers are like that. Doesn’t it make anyone else feel nice to do nice things for other people? Man….
Anyway, I have been considering going to pastry school or at least taking a few classes. I don’t think I’ll ever be a full time professional baker or anything but if baking is a hobby I could take pride in then that would be great! So I am baking some cupcakes. I chose red velvet because she is having a baby girl and I thought it would look awesome with pink icing. Surprisingly, I didn’t own a cupcake pan so I bought one of those and some pink food coloring. Here’s the pics of the process:
The batter.


Before baking. I used a measuring cup that my mother in law have me for my birthday!


After baking. (Notice my fellow kitties on my oven mit?! Thanks, mom!)

I definitely got too excited and forgot to take pics of the icing in process. This was my first attempt at piping icing and I used the tip and bag that I got from my mother in law for my birthday. I think they turned out ok for my first try!


Final product! Baby shower galore!


And how did they taste? They tasted pretty good! The cake box mix I used wasn’t great so I’ll definitely go the scratch route next time. The icing tasted good but I will definitely use more cream cheese in the future. All in all, I might be a baker!

Thanks for reading and commenting!
-Fellow Kitty