Tag Archives: Gardening

Maybe not.

So I have been wanting to start an herb garden for a while. I did some research and bought this cool self-watering planter that hangs on the railing from amazon.com. I figure I’m changing my life but it doesn’t change the fact that I know I would be very lazy at watering. Anywho, next I had to decide what herbs to plant. I had a bunch of suggestions but of all of them there was only one I knew I would actually use – basil. So now it’s a basil garden.
First attempt. I couldn’t find any basil plants in January (go figure! lol) so I bought seeds. I waited 8 weeks with vigilant weekly watering which resulted in NOTHING! I guess it was too cold or not sunny enough or whatever. FAIL number one.
Second attempt. I went to a nursery and found little basil plants! The next day when I wanted to plant them it starts raining on me. WTF Los Angeles! Anyway I guess the roots did not take. FAIL number two.

Third attempt looked like this about 20 days ago. Lush, green, ALIVE.


Now two of those plants are brown and dead and the third is on it’s way out.


Guess I’m not a gardener. At least I have these awesome cat figures in my planter box.