Tag Archives: babycats

As I come up on my twenty-seventh year of life, I am taking this time to reflect. I look back and see…. not much. I feel like I’ve been pretty mediocre my whole life; not athletic or artsy or especially good at school. Well, that is about to change. It just has to.
With my birthday approaching I was asked “What do you want for your birthday?” And although I could name a million things, material and otherwise, I realized that none of them would make me truly happy. The only thing that will ever make me truly happy is finding happiness in myself – knowing deep down that I am the very best that I can be and being okay with that. So that’s where this blog comes in.
I will be trying out some new hobbies and trying to find my place in this world in the process. I know I have a special talent or something to offer the world in some way. I’ll be documenting my endeavors in this blog and I hope you enjoy the ride.
But for now, I’m content with being your everyday fellow kitty.